Welcome to Jimmy Carton’s website. We’ve had some challenges keeping the site up and running due to hackerĀ problems – Jimmy attracts interest from all sides apparently!
Just to bring folks up to date – Jimmy had an excellent time in Newfoundland in February. He enjoyed the company of world class musicians on stage with him at the Arts and Culture Centre (see the ‘Photos’ page for a couple of pictures from the trip). Aside from that, he’s been enjoying some social events, meeting both fans of hisĀ and people of whom he is a fan.
Jimmy is well and relaxing, but will consider select gigs where he can enjoy some of his long time favourite friends and places. Feel free to contact us (see the ‘Contact’ page) if you think you have something that will pique his interest!
I remember back in the day when you would stay at our home during the Cleveland Irish Cultural Festival. That was over 30 years ago.
I pray your healthy and wealthy in love and frienddhips. Please give me a call. I would enjoy speaking to you
Danny Boy Crawford
I would love to have Jimmy contact Helen Malloy at the Cleveland West Side Irish American Club.
Both times he appeared there we had two tables of 10.
As MC on Claddagh Stage at festival, I introduced Jimmy for some years and miss his magnificent voice.
We discovered Jimmy in Toronto in the 80’s at Mc Veighs Pub.
John Patterson
Where the hell have you been Jimmy? I would love to hear you sing again. How about a Hugh’s room gig. McVeigh’s was the place and you were the voice to hear. I was disappointed to see you were singing all the way in Newfoundland. What passion!
James: I trust all is well with you and yours. As St. Patrick’s Day gets close every year I think back to hearing you sign at the Irish Times in Pickering. Never thought one of my best Foreman was so talented.
Give me a call some time 289-440-5521
Jimmy I remember going down to the new windsor house on Fridays and Sat. in the early 1980s and listening to you sing. your bad was truely fantastic hope you are well.